Introduced to me by our mutual Irish friend Joanne, Alison is a well-travelled expat who has recently discovered her talent for art and painting. The three of us tend to get together and have a good aul natter about the homeland (and making ourselves homesick at the same time!)
Where were you born? Omagh, N. Ireland
Where are you currently? Houston, Texas
How long have you been there? 15 months
How long do you expect to be there? 4-5 years
Where else have you lived? Saudi Arabai (Al Khobar), Pakistan (Islamabad), India (Mumbai), Australia (Perth).
What you love about where you are living? Variety of food, opportunities to travel not only within US but the rest of The Americas.
What is the worst thing about where you live? Driving! Having to get into your car to go anywhere even to get bread or milk.
The hardest part of living where you live? Driving & that Houston is so spread out. Also health care and getting providers that “in network” etc as I have a child that needs therapies so ones that are ” in network ” may not necessary be the ” best fit” for our needs & our location.
What has surprised you most about where you live? How spread out the city is and also no real centres , what I mean little neighbour hoods ( not subdivisions). HOA and how they patrol your area and not putting your clothes outside to dry!
Your biggest lesson learned? Do more research on schooling, assumed would be no problem getting our son into an International School. Never assume again and contact schools before arriving!
One reason you wouldn’t have missed living there for the world? New challenges, finding out about more about the USA & Texas! Allowing my son new opportunities to develop & traveling!
The best food? Mexican and margaritas
The best sight? Going to the Rodeo especially when they sing ” The Star Spanged Banner” and all the Texans place their hand on their heart so patriotic.
Your biggest fear for the future? Where we will go next
Funniest incident? Here, in Wholefoods the cashier & I got talking and he discovered I had lived in Australia before here. He just said ” Why would u moved to here?” Just little differences in accent etc always makes me smile.
What NOT to do in your location? Possibility not to walk about roads on your own a night. Everyone has said if you have a road accident never admit responsibility , plus , remember people are allowed to carry firearms.
The person who has inspired you most where you live and why? Lovely Liz del Pilar encouraged me and now doing an art class. Marie Brice , even though she left before we arrived she gave me lots of advice.
Best piece of advice you could give to newbie expats? Research before you arrive so you are familiar with Health Care, schools etc. if in doubt ask and use support networks like SSA etc
Anything else you want to add? Enjoy what your location has to offer. Each location is different. You always meet interesting people along the way.
Read previous interviews here:
#1 Sarah, from Ireland, now in Houston
#2 Melanie, from England, now in Houston
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