As your editor, I have only one aim—to help you write the best friggin’ book you can write. If you’re looking for someone to tell you that you’re amazing and your book is fantastic – go talk to your best friend. If you’re looking for honest feedback on your manuscript from someone who genuinely cares to help you produce your finest work – then hit me up!
What genres do you edit, Las?
I edit both fiction and non-fiction and will consider all genres.
How do I know you’re the editor for me?
As my friend Chelle tells me, ‘Every pot has a lid that fits’ – you’re looking for right the lid to fit your pot. Maybe it’s me, maybe it’s not. Realistically, you can’t know for sure whether I’m the one for you, until I’ve edited your work.
With that in mind, I will provide a free edit of your first chapter (to a maximum of 2000 words). Then you get to decide if we vibe well together and we can go from there.
What do I get for my money?
Well, essentially? I take your blood, sweat, tears, swear words and sometimes years of hard work and pull it apart. I’ll tell you what you did well, what didn’t work and I’ll make suggestions on how to fix it. At the end of the day though, it’s your book and while I may suggest changes, only you can decide how the final copy will be.
How much does it cost?
My current fees are 0.015p (GBP) / word.
A deposit of £100 is required to paid at time of booking to secure your slot and the remainder of the fee to be paid upon completion of manuscript. This deposit is refundable ONLY if you cancel up to two weeks before I am due to start on your project.
How long does it take?
Usually within three weeks of receipt of deposit. I recommend you book as early as you can to avoid disappointment.
How do I get in touch with you?
Drop me an email at with a description/blurb for your book as well as the genre and steam level. Please also include what deadlines you’re working to. If I have availability and you would like your book prioritized as a ‘rush’, it may be negotiable for an additional fee.
Lasairiona was fantastic to work with. I love her straightforward manner and opinion about the development of the story and plot. She is fast, her turnaround time is amazing. I didn’t expect her to complete my long novel is the time that she did. Every suggestion she made improved the writing and the story flow. If certain character traits weren’t believable or consistent with how they’d think and act as the story progressed, Lasairiona identified those areas, so I could smooth those areas out.
I highly recommend Lasairiona as a novel editor, especially for romance. You’ll be pleased with the results and will have a polished book as a result!
how you found my turn around time etc. Was I easy to work with, was my feedback beneficial
Las did a developmental edit on a particularly tricky rewrite I did of one of my full-length fantasy novels. I’d amended the end of it and was not satisfied with the way it had gone, but I couldn’t work out what was wrong or why.
Las went through it in some detail, and when we discussed the ending, we thrashed it out to my immense satisfaction. She has an excellent handle on the way people are and react, and also makes some excellent suggestions in how to make your story tighter and more cohesive.
The end result was a quick, thorough edit which unsnarled the tangles in the plot, made some very good points about character consistency and word use (among other things), and has generally been incredibly helpful. I’m delighted with my edit.
Would I recommend her? I already have sent two of my good friends her way, have booked her for a set of short stories, and pre-warned her about my next series, once it’s finished.
The price is good, the work is excellent, and Las is lovely. What’s not to love?!

Highly recommended.
Las has provided me with an honest, constructive eye on my work and her turn around times have always been super fast. Her feedback is thorough and her comments supportive and motivational. It has really felt like I had a virtual critical friend. You know the one that is honest enough to tell you that the outfit makes you look frumpy yet leaves you feeling you have still got what it takes!
If you’re even thinking of writing a book then you NEED this woman as your editor.
She’s helped transform some of my weakest work into something I’m so proud of, all wrapped in a timely, professional and intelligent package.
She’s honest, diligent and will whip your work into shape!
Don’t be shy about getting in touch because she really helps to ease your imposter syndrome and works with you so you can end up with the best version of your manuscript.
Hilarious, brilliant and essential for your book! I’d be lost without her.
I don’t consider myself a good writer. Almost no writer does if they’re being honest. We all have crippling self-doubt, coupled with some sort of coping mechanism. Mine is gin and a sardonic wit.
Despite the fact that I think I’m a bad writer, I do consider myself a smart writer.
A smart writer works with other people to make their work better. To make their words resonate. Remove the fluff. Get to the good words. Sometimes I have great things to say but they’re covered in whatever other goop comes out of my head with them.
As a smart writer I have to let go of the precious number of words I’ve written. Some are good. But some are schlock. Wheat and chafe.
I have to be a smart writer and let the editor do their job. Good editors know what words matter. What ideas matter.
And they know how to work with writers that think every word must be cemented to the page. Despite our secret belief that we are shitty writers we have giant egos.
The smartest decision I made was to stuff that ego down deep and work with Las. She’s the editor that has taken my precious prose and slapped it around, turning it into a proper book that I’m proud of.
The filler words – gone.
The points – sharpened.
The ideas – clarified.
She’s given my book structure and context. It’s far better than anything I expected to write and it’s the best work I could ever hope to publish.
If you’re a smart writer you’ll work with her too.