Holy crap was Monday a tough day, my sister’s birthday, my first day without Rowan and Colin went back to work in the office all on the same day…I’d love to lie and say it was easy and didn’t take a fidge out of me, but I can’t. It did.
On Sunday, I did a blitz clean and tidy when we got back from the airport. I didn’t want to get up on Monday and find bits and pieces of Rowan scattered around – I wanted to minimize my breakdowns.
Yes I’m a grown up and all that crap, yes I should probably ‘suck it up’ and get over it. However, I’m sensitive, perhaps on many occassions over sensitive and I’m close to my siblings. I can’t help that. I love them and it hurts to be away from them…
There were tears, lots of tears and even when I decided to get out of the house, to cheer up and go meet up with Helen (to pick something up that she had for me), there was, yes, you guessed it, even more tears! Every song that came on the radio was related to a day, event or instance in the last 3 weeks and made me blubber, so when I was done with Helen I came right home again.
Tuesday was a little easier, I decided to go out and do some coupon shopping, picking up some things we needed and having a nice little hot chocolate from Starbucks as I dandered around Target doing some minor shopping.
Today is a little easier still, although I did wake up with a busted neck/shoulder (which has given me a headache) and a (temporary) panic about getting stuff done in time for the wedding, neither of which was fun. I’ll be grand, I’m just taking a day at a time and hoping that October comes around fast – less than 80 days to go til my family arrive!
This week we’re keeping on the down low, mainly cause I think everyone is doing their own things…we did start our dance lessons the other night though. We had a 30 minute class with a teacher called Amber (easy to remember!) and we had a blast!
We both enjoyed it, learned stuff and want to go back – sucess! Ok, so they put the hard-sell on us as soon as our first lesson (of an introductory pack or 4 that we’d gotten at the Bridal Extravaganza) was over and their accountant was pretty rude and payment hungry as soon as we said we wanted to dance more, but it was a great experience and we’re both looking forward to learning to dance in the next number of weeks.
Ahead of going to the dance lesson, Col picked our wedding song, it took him all of 10 seconds and although it was one we’d listened to before as a contender, it was a little of an impulse choice as we had to have *something* to take with us to the dance studio. Thankfully the dance instructor liked it and is positive that we can figure a dance out to go with the music.
Before we started, she took us through the basic foundations of dance and when we were done, she turned to us and said ‘That proves to me that there is no reason why I can’t teach you to dance’ – watch this space! LOL!

Tonight it’s back to exercise for both of us, my water aerobics and his indoor footie – although, he hadn’t really stopped going to footie while Row was in town cause they both loved it. Row impressed everyone with his skillz too and I’m sure they’ll all be working themselves up to his next visit!
Speaking of exercise and all things diet-esque. I learned a hugely important lesson last week.
Although Rowan was here and we were eating out every night of the week, I had stuck to my diet pretty good. So much so that when I stood on the scales last week and saw I was up by 2.4lbs I knew something was off. I took a stab in the dark that it was dehydration and water retention…turns out I was right…
I know people say it all the time and no one ever really puts much stock into it, but I’m telling you, it’s true. We were out in the 100 degree weather, I was drinking less water than normal to begin with, I was eating out at least once a day (restaurant food is high in salt which dehydrates you) and I was exercising (walking about the amusement parks is serious exercise!).
So, from Thursday through to Monday (my mid week check in on the scales to make sure I’m on track) I drank and drank and drank as much water as I could possibly stand to drink and it worked -by Monday morning I was back down to what I was the previous week.
Today’s lesson (cause of course this is an educational blog not just pure entertainment 😉 lol!) is to keep hydrated, drink as much water as you can stomach this summer. Texas is already under a heat advisory with dangerously high temperatures outside so be careful, drink up and if you know you’ve put more effort in than the scales are telling you – challenge them! LOL! (Here’s hoping tomorrow’s weigh in is still down LOL!!)
Still trying to get Col to write a blog for y’all…I think you should tell him how much you want to hear what he’s gotta say 😉
Until next time…

1- Stop drinking hot chocolate when you’re in a heat advisory
2- Do we not get to know what song until the wedding? Ours was pretty awesome, but hello, everything I have a hand in is.
3- (just because this thought amused me and it will make you laugh and undoubtedly someone who doesn’t know me will think it is rude and miss the “funniness” intended) I personally couldn’t give a rats ass what Col has to say 😉
1 – the heat advisory started after the hot chocolate and you’re supposed to drink hot drinks to cool you down (or so i’m told)
2 – no, Col would kick my butt and I don’t think he wanted it public that we were doing dance lessons – he wanted everyone wowed by our natural dance abilities 😉
3 – I know you and I know you’re busting at the seams to hear what he’s gotta say 😛
I’m with you on the water. I would probably pass out at work without it.
Also, glad to see that your banner image has changed.
It’s so bizarre cause I’ve started to recognise when I need water cause my body goes ‘bleeeeeeeh’ lol!
I dunno why it changed, I didn’t change it! :-/ lol!!