Alright guys’n’gals, for those of you who haven’t yet checked out Pinterest – this is the post that is going to convince you to try it – go! Do it now!!
I discovered Pinterest a few months ago, I didn’t do anything with it. I created the account and left it lie. A few weeks ago, I saw something that reminded me of it, so I decided to give it a second try. It has quickly become addictive!
I’m a list person, I love making to-do lists, I love drawing on inspiration from other people and getting ideas for different things, home improvement, cooking and baking recipes and I’m always on the look-out for ideas for pretty much everything.
Pinterest is like CRACK! If you don’t believe me, ask Kelly over at Why’d I come in here? She’ll agree with me!!
The principle of the site, it pretty simple, it’s a virtual pin-board.
“Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.
Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests.”
Over the last few weeks, I’ve undertaken a number of projects from Pinterest and I thought I’d share them with you.
The gallon jar(s) cost around $8 each in Target, the chalkboard vinyls I got off one of those, ‘daily deal’ sites, months ago – before I’d even seen this method of storage, before I’d any idea what to do with them (I just fell in love with them!).
It’s easy, it’s clean and tidy, and it means I can have the cupcake cases on hand, when the baking-urge strikes! I have one other jar, currently deciding what to put in it, and two other vinyls so might invest in two more of the jars in the future and use them for my craft room or something!
Next up, I took a shot at the Baileys cupcakes, Lemon and raspberry cupcakes, Strawberry pineapple limeade, slow cooker coconut chicken curry, Tuscan garlic chicken, all recipes that I found on Pinterest. As I said, I work well with good inspiration!
After the recipes, I fell in love with this method of Spice Storage, and embarked upon this project immediately!!
I got the little baby food jars from amazon, here. They were a little over $5 for 12 of them. I got the chalkboard paint, again, from amazon, here (chalkboard paint is my new favourite thing, EVER!!)
I emptied and cleaned out the jars and spray painted the lids – this was a little more complicated than I originally anticipated.

And by complicated, I of course mean it was messy, boy oh boy was it messy!!
The spray paint went everywhere – even though I laid down paper and put gloves on! If you try this yourself, be sure to put plastic down underneath any paper/newspaper you put on the table, cause the chalkboard paint will seep through!
They came out pretty cute!

As you can see, there’s plenty of room left in the drawer and I fully intend to (eventually) transfer all of my spices to these jars, not just my overflow (I have a spinning spice rack that currently holds most of them). But for now, I just put overflow from my spice rack into them. I’m definitely in love with them!
My ‘biggest’ pinterest project to-date however, is that of my pantry work-over!

I got my inspiration from here, here, and the ”cookbook shelf” idea came from here…it took a while, clearing out, cleaning, sorting, buying Tupperware boxes (much to the dismay of Col!) and getting it all organised.

But it’s done, I’m happy with it, and I have a number of boxes left over for future storage.

I’m very happy with it!
My pinboards are filling up pretty fast, a lot of things I can’t ‘try’ any time soon, but some I’m eager to take a stab at.
Some of my pins, like this interesting use of a Ketchup bottle, are more practical applications of things around the house.
Some things on there are ‘if I had the house of my dreams, I would do this’ kind of thing,
Like this method of craft storage!

And some things, like Smitten Kitchen’s Swiss Roll are on my soon-to-be-done list!
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