Reblogged post: The battle cry of recruitment

I discovered this blog today, it’s a fertility blog, from a male perspective – it’s a rarity, but it’s refreshing and insightful. I’ve been laughing and nodding with him all evening, but this blog brought me to tears.

I’ve asked him to write a piece for the ‘fertility friends’ segment I’ve been putting together and I know I’ll definitely be reading more of his blog posts over the coming days and weeks (and probably re-read over the coming months of our journey!)
“Many will claim to understand but a very small number of people truly will”
It’s so very true, I’ve said it before (and ranted about it) and chances are, I’ll rant about it again. Please check out his blog – I hope that some of you can draw strength from it like I have been doing today!

Infertility: The Battle Cry Of Recruitment

2 thoughts on “Reblogged post: The battle cry of recruitment”

  1. Thank you very much for sharing my blog. I will never forget the journey

    1. Thanks for writing, it definitely helps to read a male perspective and I know a lot of my friends have had a read of your blog this week and they are all drawing strength from it!

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