I haven’t been in the best of moods this last week or so. In fact, I’ve not, as we say at home, really known my arse from my elbow. In any case, I discovered that San Antonio had a double header this weekend – Friday and Saturday night games, with the Saturday night against our Aeros!
I mentioned it to Col and was sooooo close to booking it, but I know how much of a kick Col gets out of doing all that kinda stuff, so I just pestered him to book it instead.
Yay the holidays are over!! Families who were in town visiting have gone home, those who were out of town visiting their family are back in town too, which meant only one thing – lunch time! Lori, Cindy, Julie (with Zane and Hazel), Crystal (with Faith), Ann, Stephanie, Magz and I all headed to lupe tortilla for a yummy catch-up, post ‘holiday’ lunch – it’s been wayyyyyy too long! It was fun!
Before I went to lunch, I packed my stuff into the suitcase and came home to find a showered and packed Col, who’d managed to get a 3.5 star hotel (the price per night on the back of the door is way over $300) for $45/night – which was a great deal (God bless Priceline.com’s name your own price option!).
The lovely Theresa (coworker of Cols and friend of ours) gave us both a $25 Dave and Busters gift card and a $50 Pappa’s chain gift card as a wedding gift, so we’re not spending an insane amount of money on food – We’ve deemed 2011 as the year of fiscal responsibility for us and I’m consciously trying to reduce our (translation: my) spending as much as I can!
We loaded up the car and were here in the hotel carpark for 6.30pm. On check-in they had us down for a double queen smoking (WTF?) so we changed to a non-smoking King, unpacked a little and decided to go to Chillis for dinner (so much for not spending eh?!).

Chillis was packed, like, queued out the door packed and we were too hungry to wait, Dave and Busters car park was packed and the chinese buffet my GPS tried to take us to, didn’t exist. So, we went back to Dave and Busters – figuring that not everyone who was in the carpark was eating in the restaurant, we stood in line, got a buzzy thingamajob and waited less than 5 minutes before we got a table.
The meal was delicious, I, of course, ordered probably the least diet-friendly thing on the menu – but it was a great meal. And, cheap – which is always a good thing, so big thanks to Ms T!

We finished the day watching some of Father of the Bride and FOTB II on tv before I just zonked out!

Saturday morning, we threw on our tracky b’s and headed over to Ihop for brunch, for Col to indulge in some all you can eat pancakes! We’d previously decided not to bother getting dressed up, tracksuit bottoms would do well for Ihop and since we’d spend the afternoon vegging out in the hotel room. Over brunch, we decided, screw it, lets go to the outlets! (Mainly cause Col needed trousers for work but also cause the outlets rock!).
San Marcos outlets has 2 independent sets of outlets, side by side. It’s huge – so huge, in fact, that they’ve built a hotel on site for people to stay over. Yes, you could definitely take 2 days to shop the outlets, no, we’ve never done it!
Either way, we went to the outlets in our tracksuit bottoms like total slobs and it just about killed me. I love the outlets, Gap, the only Yankee candle outlet in any way near to us, Bath and Body Works (to name my favourites). I was very well behaved and didn’t buy a thing – aside from something I needed (a planner that was on 50% clearance).
I’m trying to behave, I want our debts gone and I want them gone fast. Behaving isn’t fun and behaving almost hurts! I saw such lovely stuff that I wanted to give homes to! LOL!
For dinner we tried to go to Pappadeaux – however, it was too busy there. So busy, that the queue of people to get their names put down on the list was out the door. By that stage it was too late to go anywhere else and we went straight to the arena, to eat at the game.

The game itself was a total washout. In fact, it was a shut out – just not in our favour. We lost 4-0 and the only relatively positive thing to take away from it was the fact that the Rampage do a ‘Four for Foul’ thing, so when they scored 4 goals, everyone goes home with a free Chick-fil-A sandwich coupon! LOL! That and their Goalie (Climie) ROCKED!
On the way back to the hotel, we got caught in a pretty bad storm which passed a lot quicker than I thought it would have done!
Sunday morning we got up at 7am – eeeesh! It was tough, I’d had a shower before bed though, so I got an extra half hour, while Col was up getting sorted. We left just before 8am, stopping at Jack in the Box for a quick breakfast.
We made great time, the roads weren’t too busy at all. We were back in H-town for 11.20am, we took a quick dander around Central Market, picked up some bread at a local baker before heading to Emily and Lukes for a ‘New Year’s Brunch’ with Magz and Sam.
What a great day we had! It was so much fun 🙂
We stayed at the Van der Waals for almost 6 hours – we ate a delicious lunch (cold cuts, cheese, breads, chutney, quiche, pizza and the most delicious home made chocolate torte EVER!), we played games (Ligretto and Who’s in the bag), we had a lovely champagne toast and, truth be told, we probably wouldn’t have left if it wasn’t a ‘school night’, we’d have played all night.
It was definitely a repeatable afternoon – and, although I sucked at the games, it was taken in good humour and I’ll get better with practise! 😉
Talk about a great weekend!