I need liquor.
This is not for the faint hearted and contains swearing. You got an issue with that today? and I suggest you look the other fucking way.
Where was I? Oh yes, liquor.
Tequila preferably.
It’s not even 10.00am and my kid is headed for the bath.
My breakfast is currently Haribo strawberries and Diet Coke.
I can’t quite give enough kudos to military families, o&g families and all other flavours of single parent life households – this single parent shit is HARD.
ESPECIALLY when you’re sick.
I’ve been sick for 3 days and counting. I feel like something has died in my intestines and if the dehydration doesn’t kill me, the stomach cramps and spasms may. It’s a relatively frequent occurrence for me – starting to think it’s my bodies reaction to stress or some shit.
Lewis has been a gem for the last few days, and aside from some granny and grandad help yesterday, I’ve soldiered through alone – granted he had, like, 8 hours of TV on Saturday when I couldn’t sit upright, let alone parent.
Anyways, he’s been great – until this morning. When I’m woken out of my “I was up at 5am glued to the loo with cramps and JUST got back to R.E.M. sleep” to
“Mama, I have poop”
“Ok son, I’ll be right there”
“Mama, its all over my legs, it’s everywhere mama”
“Ok, don’t move”
“Ok, mama”
I go in, no glasses on, feeling like I was awakened by the fire alarm – you know, The “Who am I, where am I, who are you and why are you calling me mama?” feeling, and from the waist down he’s COVERED in poop, right down to between each, and EVERY fucking toe.
I ask where his nappy and pj pants are and he points to behind the bed – they ain’t going anywhere, so I deal with the problem in front of me. The walking turd.
I ask him to lie down on his back so I can clean it and he’s chosen to not be able to comprehend English in this moment and lies on his side. He knows I’m pissed so he’s also crying. I clean him off with wipes – like, 15 of them – and for those of you who know me? Know I’m a one-wipe wizard. Every time I think I’m done, he shows me more, faeces covered flesh. When I’m finally done with this self replicating poop all over my child, I turn my attention to the nappy and pj pants.
Picking them up gingerly, careful not to spill out the conten- wait, where the fuck is the poop?
I open out the pull-up, and his pj pants, they’re clean. I mean, his pull-up is wet, but there’s not a trace of poop in either. I look around the room, and, even with no glasses on, I can tell that the scene of the crime isn’t visible.
“Where’s the poop?”
“Under there mama” he replies, pointing to his new favourite hiding spot, under his train table.
Cue my voice being raised. PRAYING he’d misunderstood the question. Lewis, WHERE IS THE POOP?
Same answer.
Fuck. Cause I haven’t had enough SHIT over the last few days?!
The way the table is sitting, you cant see in to it, or get under it unless you move it (or, are three years old), so I pulled it out to get a better look, and, you guessed it, left a lovely long skid mark across my carpet.
Double fuck.
I get on my hands and knees, start crying myself and do a pick-up and surface clean of the toxic waste. I look under the train table, clean the cause of the skid-mark and the visible crap, pour half a bottle of febreeze on it, say ‘fuck it’, pick up the still crying and upset toddler and take us both back to my bed for cuddles and to warm up – cause the poor kid is still pant-less.

After a little bit, he’s playing with my snapchat, it’s dark and the flash-light comes on. I notice he’s got poop around some of his fingernails and over his wrist.
Fuck it anyways.
Out we get from the bath. Do a surface clean with disinfectant wipes. Clip his fingers AND toe nails and head back to the crime scene – avec glasses – to see what other damage has been done under the mother fucking train table.
Here I find a once presumably steaming, now room-temp turd, that has infiltrated one of his Thomas toys – between two layers of plastic that don’t come apart. I can’t get the kid to shit in any toilet on the planet, but he’s LITERALLY shitting through the eye of a fucking plastic needle. If I was a greater human being? I COULD get the poop out, by scooping and gouging, and using cotton buds and all manner of disinfectant. But? Being the lesser human being I am right now? I picked up the toy, and dumped it in the bin.
“Is my toy broken, mama?”
I’m not normally one to brazenly LIE to my child, but “Yes my love, it is” came forth from my lips.
Fuck this.
I run a bath, dump him in and scrub him til he’s pink.
He’s currently a happy boy, splashing in the bath. He’s (hopefully) learned his lesson, but, as I’ve CONSTANTLY been informed this morning? “He’s only three, he doesn’t know any better” – in spite of the fact that he knows perfectly damn well that he was being naughty dropping a hot shit under his train table, and thought he was being a smart ass when he recited my rule of “No poop in the pants mama”, well, yes, I guess you didn’t shit in your pants darling, but you forgot my OTHER rule, “We ONLY poop in the toilet”.
And me?
I’m over here waiting for the two of us to get stricken by pink eye, wondering if I can carry an industrial carpet cleaner up three flights of stairs by myself while choraling a three-year-old and longingly eyeballing a chilled bottle of muscato for elevenses.
1 part Listerine, 1 part water in a spray bottle. It takes out a variety of smells from fabrics and upholstery, including reeking dog vomit.
Oh Merry! You’re a genius! <3
Ahhhh…no, I just read Pinterest and it worked for me! LOL 🙂
Oh Gess! Poor you and poor Lewis. But it’s actually fun if not happening to you. Hope you feel better and the rules have been now understand. That moment when you said carpet, clearly reminder of why I don’t like them.
LOL! That’s what everyone said! I’m feeling much better now thankfully!