I figured I needed to post this before our trip cause if I didn’t, we’d end up with a HUGE post when we got back and lets face it, no one would stay with me for a whole week long post in one update! LOL!
It’s been a busy few days, but here are the hi-lights!
I was always of the opinion that the funniest thing I’d ever see would be Rowan and Col singing ‘Mysterious Girl’ by Peter Andre, however, I have been proven wrong. Listening to these two murder 2Unlimited’s ‘No Limit’s is something that will be etched in my memory for the rest of my life! Hilarious – I wish I’d survive taking a video, cause you’d all just about pee your pants!

Aside from having Call of Duty (COD) on every minute that we’re in the house, having Rowan here is fantastic. He’s mostly outgrown that grumpy teenage phase of grunting replies, objecting and complaining when you ask him to do something – he’s even voluntarily making me cups of tea and giving me cuddles, it’s awesome. I love having him here and it’s going to destroy me having to send him home in 9 days!

It’s been another busy few days here in Houston, we’ve had quite the week weather wise. Nothing but rain, rain and more rain. Rowan all but accused me of fibbing cause I told him it was always sunny and hot here, but it’s been anything but this week, which has left us stuck inside a lot. That, and with the car being out of commission for a few days, we’ve been a little trapped.
Monday was a pretty quiet day for the most part, I went out and about for a long practice drive in The Griffin while Col got Lexie Grey fixed up and Rowan played COD cause the rain prevented him from going outside!

We had dinner in Outback, Rowan’s first experience of, one of – if not our absolute, favourite place to eat here in H-Town.
As a starter, we got a Bloomin’ Onion (for no other reason than Rowan had to try it of course! LOL!) which didn’t last long at all (and received rave reviews from our visitor).

When dinner was over we headed, pretty much around the corner – or as close to ‘around the corner’ as you get here in the States to Stafford Bowling alley where we met up with the Stevensons for some bowling action.
I sat it out, but the boys enjoyed a game or two with Colin, Amee and Claire while I wheeled little Michael up and down and did some knitting! LOL!

Rowan played with Michael too, although Michael didn’t want Rowan to stop, he kept grabbing his hand and pulling him back to tickle him more which was quite funny and really cute!
Tuesday was a quiet one, (more COD) and for dinner we introduced Row to the joys of Mexican food – taking him to ‘Lupe Tortilla’ where he really enjoyed some delicious fajitas.

After dinner we headed down to Pearland where we embarked on a new adventure for all of us. Pitch and Putt – At first I was hesitant and said I wasn’t joining in, but it didn’t take long before I was sucked in.
Although I was pretty terrible and took forever to putt the ball, I did take it all in good humour and gave it a decent try but the boys kicked my butt!

After a round of mini golf – we thought we’d get two in but it got dark fast, the mosquitoes were feasting on us and it was hot and sticky – and on the way home, we decided to bring Rowan to another great place, Marble Slab ice cream parlour (yeah, my diet went out the window there! LOL!) were we picked up some yummies and headed home.
Wednesday Col worked from home, so we took Rowan to TGI Fridays for lunch (we had a buy 1 get 1 free coupon). Again he enjoyed it, but we decided that I’d cook the next day cause our stomachs were all starting to feel the wrath of eating out so much.
While the boys went to footie, I stayed at home for a change, did some scrapbooking and worked on the layouts from the scrapbooking convention. It was relaxing, but I realised I need some speakers in the craft room cause my stupid computer speakers suck!

Thursday, I had the SSA luncheon with the ladies! I think it was 17 or 18 ladies came out to lunch in the delicious Carinos (my favourite Italian restaurant here!) and we had some lovely food and chatted for hours!

I did cook a big roast dinner that night – which the boys hoovered up (veggies and all!), but just after we’d finished – we didn’t even clean up, we decided to go back up to Dave and Busters pretty much cause it was the only return visit we can fit in before Rowan goes home next week.
We all spent another small fortune (it’s so easy to do!) and I got lucky on a few of the games getting big wins. When we were done, the tokens were counted and Rowan came away with a hoody – the same one that Laura got when she was here, it’s a popular item apparently! LOL!
On the way out the boys decided that this time, instead of playing pool like they did last time they’d play Shuffe Board instead. I gave it a whirl and turns out it’s actually quite a good game to play. We stayed there til way after 10pm playing it and I know it’s going to be something Col and I play next time we’re up there!

Tonight was the 2nd Sing Star party we’ve thrown here in Houston and boy did we end up with a full house! Mariano and Katherine came with their 2 beautiful boys Lucas and Matias, Colin and Amee with my lil dude Michael, Cindy and Tim, Ann and Paul, Janet, Paul and their daughter who is visiting Ali, Lori and David and the 3 of us.

We ate, drank and were very merry and the tunes flowed all night. It took Rowan a while to get going in front of everyone but when he did, he bowled them over!
A great night was had, by us 3 at least – even though we have been left with an insane amount of ‘bad’ leftovers!
Right, it’s 2am and we leave for San Antonio first thing in the morning, our case is packed, the cooler is mostly packed and we’re almost good to go once we get our butts out of bed, so we’re in good shape!
Signing off til the next time,

Didn’t know you blogged! What are you going to San Antonio for? Oh, and by the way… I may be in a similar situation as you in a few years (I’ll know sometime this next year) as far as being in a foreign country (UK) and unable to work. Need advice!
I’ve been a blogger for about 6 years now on livejournal.com (where I met Miss Hanford!), but a month or two ago I decided it was time to do a public one to show a couple people at home about our time here and what we’re getting up to over here – it’s a little better than the status updates on FB! LOL!
As for advice, I have a couple places I can send you for some good expat advice and I can talk to you for days on end about moving somewhere foreign, it was pretty hard for me for the first 6 months (not sure how far back in this blog you’ve read but there’s a 1 year post that might enlighten you a little) and I’ve seen how hard it can be for others (through my volunteer position).
Hope you’re well, 🙂 I really had you pinned for running the US one day – Lord knows the US needs a little sense in government!