Saturday 15th October (yes, I’m so far behind I need to date the days that I’m writing about!) was a busy day in the kitchen, it was a pre-Baby shower day, so that meant only one thing, it was an ‘athon’ day, cleanathon, cookathon, bakeathon… I had my work cut out for me!
By the end of the day, I was so exhausted, and so short on time, that even the thought of getting showered and dressed to go to the Aeros game, brought tears to my eyes. Thankfully, my very understanding husband, agreed to try out the Aeros webcast, we ordered Chinese (from a new Chinese) and plonked in front of the game…ok, sort of, I still pottered about while the game was on, but I at least plonked for our dinner!

The game didn’t do much for my nerves, we lost during penalties (which, in itself sucks cause I HATE OT and penalties!), while I cleaned the kitchen and started to set up decorations etc, Col made a diaper cake (yes, my husband pitched in and helped with the baby shower stuff and I love him forever for it!)

By the time midnight rolled around, the Grand Prix coverage was starting, and I’d gotten to a point where I could sit and wrap presents for Heather and baby!
Sunday was the big day!
It was only my second ever baby shower, and this time, not only did I have a theme to work with, but, I had a gender, everything was PINK!
This baby shower was a lot less stressful than the last one, I think I’d learned a lot from Magz and Sam’s baby shower, it was smaller – Heather and Jeff haven’t been here very long, so they don’t know a whole lot of people, and, I learned that it’s quite ok to delegate some responsibilities to other people.

My delegating, was pretty substantial, more than I’d ever delegated before, so it’s definitely progress, firstly I had Amber do all my graphics (as always), signs, cupcake toppers etc, then I put in a request with Emily to do the cake. She’d done such a fantastic job of Magz and Sam’s cake, and cakes are something I’ve not dared to attempt!

Next up, Ana Maria offered to do the favours, she saw mine at Magz’s baby shower and said she’d love to do something similar. They turned out EXCELLENTLY! I love the little pink baskets, I had to ask her where she got them so I could go and pick up a few for Christmas presents!

And finally, I did accept a little help with the food!

Ana Maria brought the veggie tray, Magz sorted the fruit and Coronation chicken, the quiches were store bought *gasp* and the rest of it was all pre-made the day before, it really did take a weight off my shoulders and meant I could enjoy myself too!
As a result, there was less ‘on the day’ prep and it meant that we could hang out with friends instead of cooking around people!

I was worried she’d think I went OTT on the party (she’d given me strict instructions not to do too much!), thankfully, though, she loved it all and couldn’t thank me enough!
While I’m on the subject of thanks, both Heather and Magz got together and plotted a special ‘Thank you’ gift for me, for doing their baby showers. Magz got me a ‘500 cupcake recipes’ book and a ‘how to start your own event planning business’ book and Heather got me an apron and a gift certificate for a spa pedicure – I’m psyched! They both also wrote the sweetest messages EVER in their cards for me – I was very touched and may have even shed a wee tear!
2 thoughts on “A Whale of a time! Ok…so, an Elephant of a time, but that doesn't have the same ring to it!”
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