Instead of doing a day to day of our time here at home – because we’re going to be here for another month or so at least and y’all would get rather tired of a ‘we did this’ and ‘we did that’ – I decided that I’d just do a smattering of few highlights of the previous week or so, of our trip.

Rowan wanted to watch a football game (spot the least football inclined person around), so we took him to Thunderdome for dessert and a beer while we hung out and watched the game.

(March 25th) We’d booked in for 5pm, but Rowan and I went in a little earlier – because it normally takes me FOREVER to find glasses. As soon as we walked in, our sales advisor approached us, and helped us try on glasses, give opinions on glasses, we didn’t have to wait long for our sight tests and before long, we were leaving having ordered five pairs of glasses between us! Our sales advisor, Roseanne, I think she was called, was ACE!

(March 26th) Wednesday’s adventure, brought me back to my old nemesis-haunt, Queens University. I had a somewhat chequered relationship with my University experience, however, one part of it was always worth the hassle and that was my friendship with my good friend Karen. We had a delicious lunch in the ‘new’ Maggie Mays, the food was delicious, the ambiance (aside from the seriously loud blender) is good and it’s cheap!

(March 27th) Rowan invited us oldies to tag along with him and his friends on a night out at Cobbles, Thursday night Karaoke. I was a bit reticent, I didn’t want to cramp his style, (and, lemme tell ye, he’s got plenty of it!) but we decided what the hell, and off we went!

As a venue, Cobbles was pretty good. The night started off pretty empty, but it filled up as the night went on. Strawberry daquiris are 3 for £12 and the karaoke isn’t bad, the DJ has all of the right artists, but, for me, all of the wrong songs, which was disappointing cause I normally love singing at those things!

(March 28th) Rowan, Col, my sister’s other half James, Rowans friends Chan and Marty and I decided to go bowling in the Sheepbridge, just outside of Newry. Col and I hadn’t been bowling in at least a year, maybe two even. I tend to forget how much I enjoy it – in spite of my bowling fatigue. My arms get tired pretty quickly.
As far as bowling goes, the Sheepbridge is all Newry has to offer, so I don’t have much to compare it to. Glass bottled drinks make me feel like I’m being robbed when all I want is a glass of fizzy juice!

As you can see, we are having lots of fun being home!